Friday, June 1, 2012

Simply the Story

This week I attended a training conference in Simply the Story, which is a process that has been developed to teach the Bible orally. It involves telling the story, then allowing the listeners to also tell the story. You then continue by asking questions and discussing every part of the story. It is amazing how much you can learn by digging deep into every little piece of a Bible story. It was a long week, but good. I am glad I was able to attend the conference and hopefully I will get a chance to use what I learned.

I was surprised this morning by how cold it was. It was actually cold and cloudy, but this afternoon the sun came out and it has warmed right up. I think I am beginning to settle in some, though I've got a cold which makes life a little less fun. I'm hoping it clears up in a day or two.

I was going to put some pictures on here of the spider I saw at the conference and my room or something, but the internet is not so great at the moment. It likes to come and go. I'll try again later tonight or this weekend.

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