Monday, June 18, 2012

Life in Lichinga


Tim doing Simply the Story in Yau, the tribal language

Looking down the road from the church

Kids playing outside the church, which is the blue and white building

Traeger and Karis playing in Claude's hammok outside the guest house

The George's house

Eragorn is one of our dogs
I took some random pictures around the house today, and a few at church yesterday, and thought I'd put a few on here for everyone to see. I'm enjoying my time here immensely so far. On Thursday I will be leaving with the director, Janice, to go to a couple different towns. She likes to visit the missionaries in their homes at least once every year. We'll be back on Tuesday. Then next Thursday though the next Sunday or Monday (July 1 or 2) I will be in a town called Itipela. I'm not bringing my laptop on either adventure, so I won't have internet access for a while. But I shall bring my camera and take lots of pictures :) I'm really excited to see more of this beautiful country. The next few days I'll just be around home. Yes this feels like home now.

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