Monday, June 4, 2012


I went shopping for the first time today. We went to a number of different stores to make sure we got stuff for the cheapest price. Most of the stores have the same stuff, but certain ones are way more expensive than the rest. Then we went to the market, which is an experience in and of itself. I'm not sure there's anything quite like it in the States. I mean a flea market might come close, but it's still different. I enjoyed it and am glad to have my own food now so I can cook some for myself.

I also had my first Portuguese lesson today. It went well and I learned a lot. The lessons are set up so that you go through and learn a ton of stuff just by hearing it and being able to identify words. Then you go back and begin to learn how to actually say the words. It will be torture for me to spend the first few weeks listening, but I think it will end up being great in the end. One major thing would be for me to get over my fear of speaking.  I know the greetings, but I have this horrible way of freezing up and forgetting everything when someone says "Como esta?" Getting over the fear of actually using what I know needs to happen, then who knows what will happen!

Sorry no pictures of the market, maybe later I'll get a few.

Prayer requests for any of you who are wondering:
Mainly, that I would have a soft heart and be willing to do whatever God wants me to do and the courage to do it as well. I don't want to fall into the trap of thinking that because I'm only here for a short time, I cannot make that much of a difference. That is a lie that satan wants me to believe because he doesn't want me to make a difference. With God's help, I can make a huge impact on people here (more than just on the missionaries I am with).

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