Monday, May 28, 2012


I finally made it to Lichinga, Mozambique on Saturday after 4 days of travel. I'm so glad that I am staying here for a few months. I love flying, but I'm all airplaned out for awhile :)

I like Lichinga so far. Yesterday we went to church, which was a great experience. There were probably about 20 people there total, including the children, who run in and out the whole time. There were only about 10 adults. We sang (well they sang, I have a language problem) and one of the men preached for a bit. The service lasted about an hour and a half once it started. The church is a tiny one room building, maybe 12ft. by 24ft or so (give or take a bit because I'm a bad judge of size). It has a pulpit and an offering basket at the front with 5 rows of benches to sit on. They wanted me to sing, so Michele and her children, and I stood up and sang 'Jesus loves me' together. It was fun.

My chicken, after Michele took off some for the kids.
Then, after church we went out for lunch. You can order chicken (a quarter, a half, or a while chicken), pork, beef, or fish (the whole fish scales and all). I split a whole chicken with the kids and really enjoyed it. The meal also comes with fries, rice, and a salad. It was all really good food, especially the chicken. Chicken is not always my favorite, but I really liked it yesterday.

Today has been rather boring. I met the lady that I will study Portuguese with, but that won't start until next week because of the conference this week. I had lunch with Janice, the Regional Director here. Then I helped Michele but books away in the library, read my Bible for a bit. Now I'm on here putting an update for you all. Not that exciting really.

Life is so much more laid back here than it is in the States. You might have plans for the day, but those plans are relative. They may or may not actually happen, and if they happen right on time that's pretty amazing. This might surprise anyone who knows me well, but I kind of like it. It's not so stressful because it's not all crazy and hectic. All in all, I'm doing well and I like it here. I do feel a little bit lonely, I do miss my friends and my family. But I spend a lot of time with the George kids and in their house which helps a lot. And tomorrow through Thursday we have the 'Simply the Story' conference, so that will be fun.

Oh the internet comes in and out, so that's why it's taken me a few days to post.

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