Monday, May 14, 2012

God is good :) I have learned so much in these last 3 weeks of not knowing dates for my trip and not knowing when I would have them. God has taught me that He wants me to look to Him and rest in the knowledge that He is in control.  This weekend I was comforted by the thought that God knows my plans even though I do not, and He will make those plans known to me at the appropriate time.  I can have peace knowing that God has it all under control; I really should not worry about it.

Today I spent time reading in Ecclesiastes and was again reminded that God knows and God is in control.  A few hours ago, I finally got the long awaited e-mail saying that my Visa has been approved, "when would I like to leave?".

The answer to that is, as soon as possible, please.  At this moment, I still do not have a departure date, but I know that it is coming soon, very soon. In fact as soon as we make sure that the George family can pick me up at the airport when I fly in, I can leave.

I can hardly contain my excitement right now. It was hard to realize that this trip is actually going to happen over the last few weeks because I did not have a departure date. It was easy to begin to think it was all just a crazy dream.  To have that crazy dream once again become a crazy reality is absolutely wonderful :) but also terrifying.  Mozambique is a long way from home and everything I know, and I will be flying there by myself.  My excitement is greater than my fear, and my knowledge that God is in control, and that He has ordained this whole thing from the beginning is even greater than that. I know that He holds my life in His hands and will guide and direct me every step of the way.  I am never truly alone :)

Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement through my process of planning this trip.  They have been felt and appreciated every step of the way.  I will let everyone know exactly when I will be leaving and my flight itinerary as soon as I can.

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