Monday, May 21, 2012

Mozambique, Here I Come!

Wow, what a crazy week! God is good and was with me every step of the way. On Friday, I finally received the long awaited travel dates and flight itinerary (which I will clue you in on later in this post). Even though I originally thought I would be in Mozambique by now, I am thankful that God gave me one more week here and would not change the way it happened.  I was able to visit a friend in the hospital, spend some time with my 8 year old cousin that I babysit, and go on the summer kickoff retreat with my church. I would not have been able to do any of these things if I were already in Mozambique. It is just one more way that God used to show me that He has a plan which is greater than mine. He knew I needed to do each of those things this week and that there were major reasons why it was not yet time for me to be gone. To be able to speak into people's lives and spend a weekend celebrating God's goodness with my best friends is definitely worth waiting a few extra days to leave for my summer in Mozambique. I know that God was preparing me and guiding me every step of the way.

Anyway, about my trip. Here is my flight itinerary:
Depart from Detroit, Michigan on Tuesday (May 22) at 7:10pm.
Arrive in Frankfurt, Germany at 9:20am (I will be there for 12 hours and 55 minutes) on Wednesday (May 23)
Depart from Frankfurt at 10:15pm
Arrive in Johannesburg, South Africa at 8:45am on Thursday (May 24)
Depart from Johannesburg at 1:50pm
Arrive in Maputo, Mozambique at 2:55pm
Depart from Maputo at 7:30am on Saturday (May 26)
Arrive in Lichinga at 11:10am

If you noticed the dates of my flights, I will be spending two nights, and one day in Maputo, which is the capital of Mozambique, because that is how flight schedules work out. This is slightly disappointing as I would like to get to my final destination, but will allow me to rest and have some time to adjust to the time change. In everything, I know God has a plan, and I do not doubt the perfection of that plan.

A slight disclaimer must be given here. I've listed all the times as given on my tickets, so they are the times accurate to where I will be. For the sake of my sanity I am not going to translate the times into what they will be equivalent to for those of you in Michigan.  This is because I do not want to know. I want my brain to be on the time of where I am physically at; this will help me adjust to the time change (I hope). If you want to do your own math, Mozambique is 6 hours ahead of Michigan. So at noon in Michigan it is 6pm in Mozambique.

I'm excited and nervous and can't wait to get on the plane tomorrow night. Your prayers are appreciated as I begin this journey.


  1. Just got your letter today and am checking in, setting up your blog on my feed. Praying for your safe travels.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
