Thursday, May 24, 2012

My laptop says 10:27am and my watch says 4:25pm

I made it!! After what seemed like forever I am officially in Maputo, Mozambique. I will be staying here tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night. I fly up to Lichinga on Saturday.

All my flights went smoothly without any problems, which was a great blessing from God. I didn't sleep on the Detroit-Frankfurt flight as I anticipated. I survived the 13 hour layover in Frankfurt...barely. I did a lot of reading, wandering, napping, reading, wandering, napping, eating, etc. I was really ready to be out of that airport when the time came to board the plane. Then it was a 10 hour flight to Johannesburg, with a 4 hour layover. Then the quickest flight ever (an hour which was crazy fast after my last 2 flights) to Maputo; and here I am.

I was a very happy person when about 5 hours into my Frankfurt layover I noticed a sign that said "showers". At that particular moment I was feeling especially lonely and oily and gross. I am convinced God allowed me to see that sign exactly when I needed it most. That shower was the best $8 I have ever spent. I felt so rejuvenated afterward and ready to finish up my travels.
My plane from Frankfurt to Johannesburg. Biggest plane I've ever seen! Made for a quiet, smooth flight :)

My room for 2 nights. That is the whole room; I love it :)
It's good to be at a place with a bed. It will be good to have 2 nights to sleep well after the napping of airplane travel that only lets you feel slightly rested. I can't wait to actually get to Lichinga though.

Right now, I am just taking everything in. My brain is on overload and emotions are rather dull because of it. I do know that I am thankful to God for arranging everything perfectly so far so that all I have to worry about is being where I need to be and not all the crazy details. He has guided me every step of the way and continues to do so. Traveling alone was not as scary as I thought it would be. I realized there are so many people traveling that no one really notices one more woman with a backpack and suitcase. I feel slight anxiety at the fact that I will have to take a taxi from my hotel to the airport on Saturday, but even in that I know God already has it figured out and it will happen the way it happens. No need to worry about it :)

Well, I think that's enough information for one blog. I'm not sure what more to say anyway.

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