Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lake Malawi - Meponda

Fruit of a Baobab tree. It is used to make Cream of Tartar and is essentially pure Vitamin C. It's actually pretty good.


Some people from the local church came on Saturday to be baptized. It was a beautiful service.

One afternoon some people from the church came and we sang songs together.

The Radaz family put on a worship concert for us.

The first snake I've seen in Mozambique. No one knew what kind it was, but it wasn't venomous.

I just got back to Lichinga after spending a week at Lake Malawi. It was a great, relaxing week and I really enjoyed it a lot. It was a lot of fun to be with all the SIM missionaries from Mozambique and get to know them. And a family from my church came and did worship for us all week. It was really great to sing and be together. I've only been here for a few months, but already I missed having worship and fellowship like that so much. I can only imagine how it must feel to only have worship in English and fellowship with friends once a year.

We had great food all week and more than enough time to just hang out, sleep, relax, swim, read, etc. We saw a snake one day, but no one knew what kind it was. We saw a giant centipede which is not venomous, but has a painful bite. We also saw lots of fish eagles, monkeys, and.....fleas. That was the worst part of the week, all the flea bites I ended up with. But I survived. And I stepped on a rock the first day which made my foot sore all week long. But oh well. It was all totally worth it. Such a great week.

On Saturday some people came from the local church and we had a Baptismal service. It was so beautiful and just cool to experience. It's so great to be able to have a service like that despite any cultural differences or language barriers that are present. And I find it especially neat to have the knowledge that someday I will see those people again, even if it's not in this lifetime.

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